MSC launches sea-rail combined transport in Northwest China

Publish Time: 2022-08-11     Origin: Site

Following the launch of multimodal transport solutions in North China, Mediterranean Shipping (MSC) recently launched a new sea-rail combined transport service in Northwest China.

MSC said that it has launched a sea-rail combined transportation solution from Inner Mongolia (Chifeng, Hohhot, Baotou, Linhe, Wuhai Station) and Ningxia (Yinchuan, Huinong Station) to Tianjin Xingang this year, which can radiate from the port to The vast inland region of northwest China.

The port of Tianjin is the main maritime gateway to Beijing, not only the largest port in northern China, but also the ninth busiest port in the world, MSC said. The entire railway transportation time from Inner Mongolia, Ningxia to Tianjin Port is 5-7 days, and it can directly connect with MSC's shipping services at the port.

It is understood that traditional truck transportation is easily affected by factors such as fuel, cargo weight, and holidays. In contrast, the transportation cost of sea-rail combined transportation is more stable, and it is hardly affected by factors such as weather and traffic, and the overall transportation time is more stable and reliable.

Therefore, sea-rail combined transportation is very popular among inland Chinese customers.

In view of this, MSC has been committed to promoting the "Railway Transfer" to ease the pressure on road transportation, actively promote the reduction of carbon emissions, and accelerate the construction of a modern integrated transportation system.

MSC said that it will continue to work hard to develop sea-rail combined transportation services in other inland provinces in China, penetrate deep into the business locations of inland customers in China, provide more diversified products and services, and help goods from inland provinces in China reach all over the world.

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