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New Regulations for International Maritime Trade from May

Views: 12     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-05-06      Origin: Site

New regulations for international maritime trade from May: China's RCEP agreement with Myanmar officially takes effect, Myanmar's import license for goods will be submitted before arrival in Hong Kong, Egypt has suspended 814 companies' import rights, new regulations in Port Klang, Malaysia, and Nepal urgently restricts imports , Indonesia's new import regulations for plant-derived fresh food, the implementation of the China-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement Upgrade Protocol.

01 China-Myanmar RCEP agreement tax rates come into effect

From May 1, 2022, Myanmar's implementation of the RCEP agreement to RCEP member countries will come into effect, and China will also give preferential agreement tax rates to goods imported from Myanmar that apply the RCEP origin standards. The remaining Philippines and Indonesia of the RCEP have not yet entered into force.

International Maritime Trade from May

The Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council issued an announcement on April 27. According to the relevant provisions of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Import and Export Tariffs and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), as well as the entry into force of RCEP in Myanmar, from May 1, 2022 Since then, some imported goods originating in Myanmar will be subject to the agreed tax rates applicable to RCEP ASEAN member states; the tax rates in 2022 will be listed in the "Import and Export Tariffs of the People's Republic of China (2022)" (Announcement of the Tax Commission No. 10 in 2021 Annex) The tax rate column of the agreement is listed, and its corresponding Chinese abbreviation is "ASEAN R".

02 Myanmar goods import license will be submitted before arrival at port

The Trade Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce of Myanmar issued a (6/2022) Import and Export Announcement. From April 20, 2022, import license applications submitted after the arrival of the goods will no longer be approved.

Previously, in order to implement the import of goods quickly and efficiently, the Ministry of Commerce allowed pre-shipment (Valid for Prior Arrival) before obtaining the import license, that is, after the goods arrive at the port or airport, the import license can be wholesaled on the same day. Some merchants take the opportunity to submit import license applications only after the goods have arrived at the port. However, the Ministry of Commerce stated in the (93/2015) "Myanmar Import and Export Process (2015)" promulgated on October 22, 2015 that it is prohibited to deliver goods to the port in advance before obtaining the approval of the import license.

In addition, the Ministry of Planning and Finance's Announcement No. (68/2019) also issued a statement that in order to comply with the Ministry of Commerce's Announcement No. (50/2020) of July 8, 2020, in addition to the approved import license, the goods can be stored Outside the warehouse of the customs, the rest of the unapproved goods are prohibited from arriving at the port in advance, and violators will be held accountable according to law.

Despite this announcement, some companies and merchants still apply for import licenses only after the goods arrive at the port, and do not comply with the instructions issued by the authorities, and the phenomenon is becoming more and more serious. In order to avoid unnecessary losses, the authorities once again reminded merchants that shipments should only be started after obtaining an import license.

03 Egypt suspends the import rights of 814 companies

The latest news on April 17, the General Administration of Import and Export Control of Egypt (GOEIC) decided to stop importing products from 814 foreign and local Egyptian factories and companies. The companies on the list are from China, Turkey, Italy, Malaysia, France, Bulgaria, the United Arab Emirates, the United States, the United Kingdom, Denmark, South Korea and Germany.

The Egyptian side stated that the move was not aimed at specific countries or specific companies, but that the certificates of these enterprises had expired and violated the Egyptian Ministry of Trade and Industry Order No. 43/2016. The Egyptian Minister of Trade and Industry approved the revision of Ministerial Decree No. 43 of 2016 in March this year as follows:

1. Paragraph 3 of the original Article 1 is repealed, that is, "the competent foreign trade authority has the right to decide whether to register or cancel the registration, and has the right to allow enterprises to be exempted from registration".

2. Substitute paragraph 3 of the original Article 2.

Original Article: Anything contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions of the Ministerial Decree shall not be registered.

Current terms: If you register in accordance with the aforementioned terms, you can complete the registration process within 15 working days from the date of completing all the requirements for submitting the materials based on the basis for completing the registration. If the competent authority has doubts about the authenticity of the material, it is necessary to verify the authenticity of the relevant information before registration, including inspection of the enterprise or factory.

3. The original article 2 stipulates the conditions that factories and enterprises using trademarks need to meet before registration. This revision adds three new provisions under this article:

First, the registration materials can be submitted through the embassies and consulates of relevant countries in Egypt;

Second, the update of relevant documents must be completed within 30 days before the expiration date;

Third, the successful registration or cancellation will be published monthly in the Egyptian Gazette and the website of the General Administration of Import and Export Control.

4. The Ministerial Order adds two new clauses:

The first is to set up a complaints committee to review complaints related to denial of registration, cancellation of registration, etc.

Second, delisting from the registration list needs to be decided by the chairman of the State Administration of Import and Export. The relevant enterprises may appeal to the Complaints Committee within 60 working days from the date of the decision.

Please check the list of Chinese foreign trade enterprises exporting to Egypt and confirm that they and their customers are not on the list to prevent export to Egypt from being blocked.

04 New regulations for Port Klang, Malaysia

From May 1st, Port Klang, Malaysia will implement a new standard operating procedure (SOP) for container clearance. If the relevant container requires further investigation, it must be completed within 3 to 30 days. Previously, no time limit was set for the port's container entry to customs clearance. In 2021, Port Klang will be the 12th largest port in the world.

05 Nepal urgently restricts imports

On April 5th, local time, government officials from Nepal's Ministry of Finance, State Planning Commission, Ministry of Labour and Prime Minister's Office held a three-hour discussion on issues such as restricting imports, strengthening foreign exchange reserves, and saving the economy.

On the import side, the Central Bank of Nepal convened the CEO and representatives of commercial banks to instruct them not to open letters of credit for goods other than essential goods.

Banks will no longer open letters of credit for the importation of private vehicles, cigarettes, alcohol, dried fruit, furniture, decorative items and cosmetics after the regulation comes into effect. At present, Nepal Commercial Bank has agreed not to issue letters of credit for import of non-essential goods.

Specific products restricted from importing include:

Nepal has restricted the import of automobiles, locomotives, bicycles and motor equipment, machinery and parts, rice, rice, gold, garments, electrical appliances, textiles, silver and sewing thread by letter of credit (L/C).

In addition, footwear, fabrics, feathers, umbrellas, walking sticks, perfumes, cosmetics, shampoos, wood, charcoal, decorative stone, cement, chimney equipment, bottles, cans, silverware, furniture-related products, toys, sporting goods, braces etc. will also suspend imports.

Others including fish, dairy products, natural honey, eggs, plants, vegetables and nuts, betel nut, bananas, chickpeas, peppers, meat, optics, medical and surgical equipment have also stopped importing.

06 New import regulations for plant-derived fresh food in Indonesia

The Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture and Quarantine Agency (IAQA) notified that the exporter or the representative of the country of origin is required to provide advance notification online at the latest before the goods arrive in Indonesia, and the following information must be attached:

- Importer Instructions.

- The number, date and place of issue of the phytosanitary certificate.

- Register the name of the food safety testing laboratory.

- The number of the certificate of analysis or health certificate.

Plant-sourced fresh food is exported to Indonesia, and prior notice must be given in accordance with the above-mentioned new regulations before the goods arrive in Indonesia, so as not to delay business opportunities.

07 The China-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement Upgrade Protocol came into effect

On April 7, the "Protocol between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of New Zealand on Upgrading the Free Trade Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of New Zealand" came into effect.

It is understood that the upgrade protocol further expands the market opening of China and New Zealand in the fields of goods, services, investment, etc., further improves the level of rules such as trade facilitation, and adds four new chapters on e-commerce, competition policy, government procurement, environment and trade. It is more in line with the needs of modern economic and trade development.

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